Wedding days are meant be unforgettable and this one certainly will be. I for one will not forget how heart warming it was to see these two wonderful people like Abang and Kak Shaf making their vows to each other. What a pleasure it's seeing them now, sharing their happiness of their special day with all of us.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Kak Shaf to our family. You've been an important part of our family for what seems like many years already.

I'm proud to be here celebrating the marriage of these two special person of mine, who are not only amazing in their own right, but are also the right people for each other. chance has brought them together and there couldn't be more perfect match. We don't often see a pair better suited to one another. In fact, the kind of love they have is infectious, so all of you single people out there had better watch out! 

Separately you are two special, remarkable people but together you are complete. As you sit side by side through this roller coaster of life remember to scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loops and enjoy every twist and turn(wow I DID that ahaha I stole it from my favourite novel ahaha). The ride is much better when you share it together. 

Congratulations to both of you! Now I feel a bit sad that I have to accept the fact that he's no longer mine ahaha. You gonna move out from the house, have a new life and now we're going to travel separately.. I know it sounds really cringe because I don't act like this in front of you. I don't know whether its because we're 8 years apart or what. I always get jealous when Kakak told me that you used to 'protect' her from bad guys at school ahaha. I'm going to miss you Abang. Gonna miss your jokes! And the way call me mok..



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